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Golden Canyon – the rocky Sázava valley between Kamenný Přívoz and Pikovice, with the dominant Medník hill, a wild, romantic landscape. Places where Czech tramping was born. These days climbers climb the rocks, in the summer endless crowds of boaters flow along the river, you will meet numerous groups of tourists on walks along the paths embedded in the rocky slopes. And when people leave at dusk and you light a kerosene under the old tar roof of your grandfather's cabin, you may notice that something remains.

AuthorMiloš Munzar
Photographer Miloš Červený Beníšek
Collaborators and suppliers Structural engineer: Miroslav Krössl
Geological exploration: Geoslužby Kořán [Václav Kořán]
Main contractor: Bohumil Turek
Glasswork supplier: Profisklo [David Vazač]