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In addition to the organic connection of the interior with the exterior, the horizontal form, and the subtlety in the terrain, the materials chosen are an interesting feature of the family house called “Zasadený” (Slovak for “embedded”). It is built on the authenticity of natural materials, their serene coloration, durability, and graceful aging. The green roof of the building seamlessly merges with the surrounding terrain. Natural surfaces of exposed concrete walls and ceilings, open areas of glazed facades, the line of raw stainless steel eaves, and the structure of untreated wooden decking effectively communicate with the natural surroundings. A large skylight wrapped in partially transparent exterior fabric, providing the interior with variable light and a sunny atmosphere, is characteristic of the architectural expression of the building. Facade glass walls drawing in the nearby pine forest, natural materials, and changing luminosity over time add several extraordinary layers to the house, creating a rich backdrop for life within it.

VerfasserBraňo Hovorka
Martin Paulíny
Social Media
Co-VerfasserNatália Galko Michalová
ProjektteamPavol Hubinský, Ján Piliar, Ján Fellner, Ján Holos, Vladimír Vránsky, Božena Skybová, Marta Huttová, Ján Hronec, Katarína Tannhauserová
Fotograf Matej Hakár
Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten General contractor: Texo Group
Marken Kingspan
Serge Ferrari
Janošík Okna-Dveře