Landscape Festival Krnov | 2500 Crates
In 2021, the 9th year of the Landscape Festival took part in the town of Krnov. The goal of the festival is to show the importance of well-designed public space and urban greenery trough installations, exhibitions, debates, and happenings. Therefore, we designed a simple intervention for public space, that would show the easy options to maximise the area's potential.
Büro | |
Verfasser | Jiří Kotal Martin Hrouda Jan Maleček Andrea Nováková |
Website | |
Social Media | |
Fotograf | Jiří Kotal, |
Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten | Realization: Krnov citizens, U / U studio Coordination: Landscape Festival Material sponsor: Kofola Czechoslovakia |
Marken | Kofola Czechoslovakia |
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