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Founded in 1496 Santo Domingo is the oldest city in the New World and a historical landmark in Latin America. As the capital of the Dominican Republic, its Colonial City has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This iconic historic district, with a Renaissance layout dating back to the 16th century, is undergoing an ambitious transformation that goes beyond the mere restoration of a deteriorating environment. It is a comprehensive effort to restore its essence, adapt it to contemporary needs, and turn the Colonial City into a model of coexistence between past and present.

AutorBelén Moneo, Jeff Brock
Sociální média
Design týmJavier del Pozo, Federico Pérez, Laura Cerpa, Peter Rae, Laura Alonso, Francisco Blázquez, Gador Potenciano, Yaiza Camacho, Maite Rodríguez, Enrique González, Miguel de la Ossa
Fotografie Sergio López,
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